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Archive Information
Welcome to BSTN’s archive. Any content we have created for the public has been digitally archived on the google drive link. Please understand that we are still in the process of archiving our work, this will take us a while to complete. All you have to do is click the link below to access the archive. For clarification on how we have organized the archive, we have separated videos into two different categories. Broadcast Events would be for any content that is created to showcase an event, even if it wasn’t necessarily “broadcasted.” Promotional Media would be for any interviews, any content that is created as promotion for any particular group, and any other miscellaneous content. Each video is separated by a number at the beginning signifying the date of creation. For example May 4th, 2022 is 2022-05-04. Any content where we do not know the date or doesn’t correlate with any specific date will only have the year in the beginning of the title. Also know that not all of this content is on the YouTube channel, especially content created before 2015. Also also know that some of the content between 1995 to 2010 was taken from VHS tapes, some of the quality on these tapes are really bad, we are sorry but this is all that we can work with and there is not much we can do for restoration to these tapes.
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